Sunday | 05 May 2024 | 26 Shawaal 1445

Imitating Others

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    LifestyleQue.ID 13347/23/2021

    Please explain why Muslims shouldn't celebrate their birthdays
    Assalaamu A'laikum Warah'matullahi Wabarakaatuh Please explain why Muslims shouldn't celebrate their birthdays.
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    Social MattersQue.ID 2297/29/2018

    Comparing My Acts of Worship with Others
    I am planning to start hijab, but everytime I try to start,I stop myself because my sisters in law are pretty modern and I don't want to be left behind in terms of fashion. Secondly, I can't stop myself from comparing my worship with one of my...
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    Social MattersQue.ID 8211/11/2017

    Plucking Eyebrows
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah I do perform complete purdah when I go out and keep my face open while I am at home. Is getting ones eyebrows plucked / done for the sake of embellishment for ones husband permissible in Islam in that situation? I...