Friday | 03 May 2024 | 24 Shawaal 1445

Fatwa Answer

Question ID: 1422 Category: Purification
Menstruation question

Assalamualaikum. My question is regarding menstruation.

For ease of understanding I've divided my periods in 3 stages

Stage 1: Spotting for 2-3 days 

Every month before my period starts, I see spotting for 2 or 3 days. I see this only when using the washroom. Also, while wiping, it is visible on the tissue. It is not seen on the liner. I describe spotting as any discolored(pinkish or brownish) discharge.

Now, this spotting is very irregular, suppose I see it at the time of zuhr today, I see it again in Isha or the Asr of next day. This happens for 2 or 3 days.( sometimes its visible at all times and sometimes its irregular as stated above) 

Stage 2: Regular brown discharge 

After 3 days, I see regular brownish discharge, this is regularly seen on the liner.

Stage 3: Regular bleeding 

 After this, my regular bleeding starts followed by brown regular discharge for a day or 2. This lasts for 5 days. 

In short, spotting is for 3 days, and brown discharge for 2 or 3 days and bleeding is a total of 5 days (this again includes brown discharge on the last 2 days) 

The clean period between 2 cycles is 22-23 days. 

My question is:

1) what should be done during the time of spotting stage 1? Can I pray in this situation with fresh wudu everytime?

2)In stage 2 should I pray when I see the regular brown discharge for 3 days on the liner? Or my salah will be invalid?

3) sometimes after my regular bleeding stops, I wait till my brown discharge also stops, and I am clean again to take a bath. After taking a bath and praying one or 2 prayers I again see the spotting. In this case, should I take a bath again?

Kindly help me with this, as I am very confused.

JazakAllah khair! 

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

Your menstruation habit appears to have established on a ten-day period. Therefore, your three stages will be counted as menstruation. And in all three stages you are in an unclean status and must stop from performing prayer etc. 

So, from the time you start seeing spots and until you see pure whiteness, you will remain impure. After the blood and brown spots have discontinued and you see a pure white substance, you should take a bath to enter the purification state and start praying. 

عائشة أم المؤمنين  رضی اللہ عنہا أنها قالت: كان النساء يبعثن إلى عائشة بالدرجة فيها الكرسف، فيه الصفرة من دم الحيضة، يسألنها عن الصلاة. فتقول لهن: لا تعجلن حتى ترين القصة البيضاء. تريد بذلك الطهر من الحيضة. (موطأ مالك رقم 189)


لما قال المرغینانی (:و ماتراه المرأة من الحمرة و الصفرة و الکدرةفی أيام الحیض حیض حتی تری البیاض خالصًا ۔ ( الهدایة ج۱/ 46 باب الحیض )


قال الحصکفی (: وماتراه من لون ککدرة و تربیة فی مدته المعتادة سوی بیاض خالص ( الدر المختار علی صدر رد المحتار ج۱/ ۲۸۹باب الحیض) (فتاوی حقانیہ ج۲/ ۵۵۹)


ورأی الحنفیة: أن الوان دم الحیض ستة: السواد، والحمرة والصفرة، والکدرة، والخضرة، والتربیة(أي علی لون التراب) علی الأصح: فکل ما یری  فی أيام الحیض من هذه الدماء فهو حیض، حتی تری البیاض الخالص: وهو شییٔ یشبه المخاط یخرج عند انتهاء الحیض أوهو القطن الذی تختبر به المرأة نفسها، إذا خرج أبیض، فقد طهرت وفیه أیضاً(۱/6۱۸)


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