Friday | 03 May 2024 | 24 Shawaal 1445

Fatwa Answer

Question ID: 1710 Category: Purification
Irregular bleeding due to coil

Hayd question

I have been experiencing irregular bleeding for several months now. It started after I had an IUD placed a few months after I had my third baby. It was like a light period for about one month and then it reduced to intermittent, but daily, spotting and discharge for almost 3 months. Now I still have intermittent spotting/discharge but not daily. It like every other day now. 

For the past 5 months since getting the IUD, (after speaking to an alima) I have been following 10 days Hayd, then 15 days of tuhr, then 10 days Hayd, so on. But my last Hayd was only 9 days. On the 10th day I did not have any discharge.( but on the 12th day I had some spotting) so now I am confused as to how to proceed. Do I count 15 days tuhr starting from that 9th day? 

Recently I learned about the ruling that we are supposed to revert to our Hayd and tuhr habits during istihadha so now I’m not sure if what I was doing was even correct. I am very confused what to do. 

Outside of pregnancy and postpartum, my periods were generally 8 days and my cycle varied from 31-35 days

After my first child I had about 3 weeks nifas, then no periods for 9 months. Then I had 4 periods with the same previous habit

Then I was pregnant with my second child. Nifas was 3-4 weeks. Then no periods for over one year. Then I had 1 period, then I was pregnant again with my third child. Nifas was right up to 40 days. No periods after that until IUD placement. 

April 1 2022 11:00 - IUD placed, bleeding started

9/11 12:05 am - present tuhr (brown/red/pink discharge once daily or every other day)

From my understanding, after 9/26 12:05 am, if I see any spotting, I will count it as Hayd. Is this correct?

Second question:

Does yellow discharge count as Hayd/istihadha? During my normal period days, towards the end I had brown/yellow discharge but I always eventually saw white discharge. Then I would take ghusl. 

In the Hayd logged below, I counted the end of Hayd at 9/11 12:05 - is that correct?

9/1 2pm -9/9 2:30 intermittent brown spotting 1-2 times daily

9/9 5pm, 11pm yellow discharge

9/10 7am yellow discharge, 12:45pm brown discharge

9/11 12:05 am yellow discharge, 9am white discharge, 12 pm white discharge 

I ask this because I am not sure whether to count yellow discharge as hayd, since I have yellow discharge quite regularly these days with my current irregular bleeding pattern. I learned that if yellow discharge is normal for you, then it does not count as hayd. But I also learned that if white discharge at end of period is normal for you, then to wait to see the white discharge before taking ghusl.

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

:الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

In the case mentioned, since you remember the days of your menstrual cycle, you will remain impure according to the days of your menstrual “habit”, and after those days have passed, you become pure.  In summary, you will remain impure for nine days or for as many days as is your menstrual cycle, after that you will become pure. 

The visible spots that appear during your known menstrual cycle will be considered as menses. When the blood stops and white discharge begins to appear, that is the time when you will be considered pure. The spots which appear after the completion of your regular menstrual cycle, or after the elapse of ten days from the beginning of menses will be counted as “istihazah”. 

It should be noted that appearance of white matter is not a pre-requisite to determine purification. Sometimes there is purification due to the termination of menstrual blood, and other times it is confirmed with the appearance of white matter. 

Above details wrap up  your answers, but if there is any confusion, you may write to us again with your concerns. 

و ما تراه) من لون ككدرة وتربية (في مدته) المعتادة (سوى بياض خالص) قيل: هو شيء يشبه الخيط الأبيض.

قوله: ككدرة و تربية) اعلم أن ألوان الدماء ستة: هذان و السواد و الحمرة و الصفرة و الخضرة- الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (1/ 288)

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